Keyword: Initiates a keyword search through all words in the bibliographic record. If multiple terms are entered they are automatically combined with AND. By using quotation marks you can carry out a phrase search.
Example: The entry Biographical Dictionary searches for all entries containing the terms Biographical AND Dictionary. Searching for the phrase "Biographical Dictionary" will yield all bibliographic entries which contain the search term exactly as entered.
Short Title: Abbreviation of a biographical source work that is used for a Biographical Archive. The short title is unique and can be used to easily find a reference work again.
Author: of a biographical source work used in WBIS Online. The search is possible for any word from author and corporate names as well as full name forms. If multiple terms are entered they are automatically combined with AND. By using quotation marks you can carry out a phrase search.
Example: Entering Smith finds all works authored or edited by persons named Smith. The entry "Bacher, Wilhelm" finds all works of this specific author, which were used in WBIS Online.
Title: of a biographical source work used in WBIS Online. The search field includes titles and subtitles. If multiple terms are entered they are automatically combined with AND.
Example: The entry Biographical Dictionary of eminent men finds works which contain these five terms in the fields of title and subtitle. The entry "Biographical Dictionary of eminent men" finds only those works that contain the complete phrase in title or subtitle.
Series: of a biographical source work used in WBIS Online.
Place of Publication: of a biographical source work.
Publisher: of a biographical source work.
Publication Year: of a biographical source work.
Archive: Biographical Archive in which a certain biographical source work is used for. It is possible to search for either the abbreviation or the full name. The name can be entered including the part designation.
Example: Entering ABA finds all source works that were used in all available parts of the American Biographical Archive. These are: ABA I, ABA II, ABA III and ABA S. The entry ABA II in this search field only finds source works used in the American Biographical Archive Part II.
Document ID: Unique identification number for a biographical source work.
Previous Searches: By means of an individual identifier of each performed search (BIB1, BIB2, etc) it is possible to reuse searches. Previous searches from the bibliographic search can be combined with this search field. Please note that you have to enter the search identifier in capital letters. To combine several previous searches you have to enter the identifiers in separate entry fields and use the operators at the front of the row to combine the fields.