To view a full bibliographic entry select a short title link from the results list. You will now see the full bibliographic record that includes the following information:
You can navigate through the pages of bibliographic records by using the arrows shown at the top and bottom of the entry. You may also jump to a specific entry number by entering the entry number from the results list into the box between the two arrows and selecting the "GO" button.
The different display fields are:
Short title names the abbreviation of a biographical reference work that is used in WBIS Online. The short title is unique and can be used to easily find a reference work again.
Source citation contains the full bibliographic record of a reference work, including author name, full title, series, publisher, publication place and publication year (if available).
Archive holds information about the Biographical Archive (including part designation) the particular biographical reference work was used for. Depending on the kind of reference work, it can be used in one or several Biographical Archives.
Document ID: unique identification number for this publication.
If you find a results list or bibliographic entry page of particular interest you have the option of marking them for future reference. For help on marking documents see the chapter Marked Documents.