The results list after a Bibliographic Search will provide the following information:
Results will be sorted alphabetically by Short Title (default). You have the option to sort the results by Short Title, Author/Title or Year by making your choice in the "Sort by" menu at the top of the list.
You can set the number of results shown on the results list per page by selecting the required number in the Preferences. The default is the display of 10 results per page.
You can navigate through the pages of the results list by using the arrows shown at the top and bottom of the list. You may also jump to a specific entry number by entering this number into the box between the two arrows and selecting the "GO" button.
To view a full bibliographic record, select the short title link from the results list.
If you find a results list or bibliographic entry page of particular interest you have the option of book marking them for future reference. For help on marking documents see the chapter Marked Documents.